Thursday, January 30, 2020

Spring Week # 4: Core Values

The two values that are most important to me are integrity and growth.  Integrity to me is remaining true to my inner compass and to my word to others.  I have always had a very strong conscious and I instinctively know what the "right" thing to do that is aligned to my values most of the time.  Every time I have gone against my conscious the amount of guilt I have felt afterwards has not been worth it.  Growth is also important to me because I truly love learning new things each day and improving.  I feel that growth makes my life interesting and worthwhile.  

I cannot think of a major instance where my value of integrity showed up, but I can think of a bunch of small ones.  For example the other day I was venting to my friends one lunch about my boyfriend having too many T-shirts (he is a member of a subscription box club).  A few of them suggested throwing some away without him knowing since he probably would not notice anyways.  I knew I could not do it because it would 1.) involve me doing something to his property without his permission and 2.) I would have to lie to him.  Violating his rights to his property is against what I believe in and lying on top of that too him would make it worse.  

One thing I do that is outside of my value of integrity is that sometimes I lie by omission.  I will do something that I know someone would not appreciate but I just don't ever tell them.  I justify it by knowing that I would tell them if they asked, but putting myself in that situation in the first place is against my core value of integrity.  I have been working on this more this year.  I think this is especially hard for me because I HATE displeasing people. 

One instance of my value for growth showing up is when I decided to minor in German in college.  I knew it would be difficult because I have some issues with spelling and pronunciation.  I also knew going into it that it would be hard for me.  I graduated from UCLA in 2010 with an English major and a German Minor with a 3.5 GPA.  I can attest that I would have had a much higher GPA without the German.  In fact the only C in a class I have ever earned was in German 5.  One of my friends during college took only classes he knew he would get an A in.  He ended up getting into Harvard Law when he completed his undergrad and this was partially due to his very high GPA.  I always thought how boring that must of been to take only classes that are easy for you.

One thing that I do that is outside of my value of growth is give up really easily with all athletics.  I just feel like I am bad at all sports.  It does not help that when I was a kid I was the worst preforming player in several teams.  To this day I still feel defeated before I even try at anything athletic.  

Word Count: 536

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